Bitget Partner
What is the Bitget Affiliate Program?
The Bitget Affiliate Program offers partners lifetime commissions, which are calculated in real-time for users who register through our partners’ links and actively trade on the Bitget platform.When invitees conduct spot trading or futures trading on Bitget, you will receive up to 50% in rebates and increase your passive income effortlessly!
Why Join the Bitget Affiliate?
High Commissions
- Daily commissions of up to 50% of trading fees, and permanent affiliate relationships.
- Our visualized referral dashboard provides affiliates with comprehensive and multi-channel commission management.
- With the goal of facilitating the free flow of digital assets across the globe, Bitget is a premium brand that constantly attracts new users into the cryptocurrency space.
- Join Messi, the official partner of Bitget, and start earning monthly passive income with just a few simple steps.
- We publish our Merkle Tree proof, Proof of Reserves, and platform reserve ratio on a monthly basis.
How to join the Bitget Affiliate Program?
The Bitget Affiliate Program is open to a diverse range of participants, including bloggers, influencers, publishers, content creators with eligible websites, trading software and mobile app developers, as well as Bitget customers who have a substantial network of traders.Step 1: Start by visiting the Bitget Affiliate website.
Step 2: Fill out the application form. We will review your application and respond within 48 hours. Bitget affiliates enjoy up to a 50% rebate on transaction fees from spot and futures trades.
Step 3: Generate an exclusive referral link
We’ll review your application and provide you with an exclusive referral link upon approval.
Step 4: Invite new users to start trading on Bitget
Share your exclusive referral link with your community, followers, or other channels to invite new users. To start earning rebates, you need to invite at least 5 new users who each reach a monthly trading volume of 100,000 USDT across all trading types. You can view your rebateshere.
Benefits of Bitget Affiliate
- Generous Rebates: Earn remarkable referral rebates of up to 50% on commissions and sub-affiliate earnings.
- Monthly Bonuses: Qualified Bitget Affiliates receive monthly bonus airdrops as incentives.
- Recommendation Benefits: Seize the opportunity to recommend investment or listing projects to Bitget.
- Exclusive Events: Participate in exclusive trading events exclusively designed for our affiliates.
- VIP Assistance: Gain access to professional, one-on-one customer support around the clock.
- Lifelong Rebates: Enjoy a permanent rebate period that lasts throughout your partnership with Bitget.
Who can become a Bitget affiliate?
- Social media KOLs with over 100 followers on platforms such as YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and VK.
- Owners of social media channels or communities with at least 500 members, such as WeChat groups, Telegram groups, QQ groups, VK groups, and Facebook groups.
- Crypto enthusiasts who are a part of at least 5 cryptocurrency communities.
Affiliate levels, rebate percentages, and relevant rules
Affiliate rebates |
Rules and assessment standards |
Monthly assessment criteria: |
Downgrade rules |
Suppose an affiliate fails to meet the monthly assessment standards for their current level but meets the criteria for a lower level. In that case, they will be downgraded to the lower level, and their rebate percentage will be adjusted accordingly. |
Termination rules |
If an affiliate fails to meet the standards for any level, their spot/futures transaction fee rebate will be reduced to 0%. If an affiliate significantly damages Bitget’s brand reputation, publishes inappropriate content, and receives three warnings for severe violations, their affiliate status will be revoked, and their partnership with will be Bitget terminated. |
- Monthly Evaluation: Affiliates will undergo assessment once per month.
- Affiliates contributing over 1 million USDT in trading volume might qualify for exclusive promotions.
- Valid Referrals: A referred user is deemed valid if they register, complete KYC verification, initiate a first deposit of at least 100 USDT, and achieve a spot/futures trading volume of at least 100 USDT within the initial month.
- Deposits: Only on-chain deposits and fiat purchases are tallied. Internal transfers and Pop Grabs are not considered valid deposits. The initial deposit must be a minimum of 100 USDT.
- You earn rebates for each spot and futures trade conducted by valid referrals.
- Same IP Address: Referrals sharing the same IP address/device as their referrer will not be deemed valid.
- Sock Puppets: Endeavoring to gain rewards by inviting sock puppet accounts will disqualify affiliates from receiving any rebates. Bitget reserves the right to seize the implicated accounts and any assets therein.
- Rebates are distributed daily and can be viewed on the affiliate management page.
- Trading Volume Data: Trading volume for a given day will be calculated in USDT at 12:00 AM (UTC+8) the following day.
- Evaluation Cycle: Performance is evaluated daily and monthly. Upon meeting criteria for higher rebate levels, affiliates are upgraded and receive the new rebate level the next day.